Andy Hope 1930
OSCAAR MOULIGNE is pleased to present a solo exhibition of work by Andy Hope 1930, Companions, featuring a suite of new paintings and early drawings, on view from April 5 until June 21, 2025.
Dear Octavia E. Butler,
I had written to you before, but I didn’t send the letter.
About thirty years ago, I was still carrying out my exploration in a souterrain studio.
It was at this time that these ovals entered my mind for the first time: red and white initially,
then blue and green, then just black.
At first, they had sharp contours, but gradually their edges dissolved into clouds.
Years afterwards this idea materialized in my painting series Infinity Crisis (2012).
Today, thirty years later, when I look back on them from my studio, now in a different city, they look like panchromatic individuals. In the spirit of science fiction, quantum physics, comics, Sun Ra’s futuristic approach, and a neo-avant-garde mindset, I believe I have built the core of a labyrinth. A labyrinth that cannot simply be pervaded – a (kind of) labyrinthine infinity.
After inventing the Time Tubes (2011), the Phantoms (2008) and the Infinity Crisis-series, I can assure you that a new idea has emerged in my laboratory, a new formation which is also comparable to Quantum Patterns or, as its title says, Untitled Sequences (2024/25), in the form of painted pictures. Their backgrounds, often painted with impasto appear massive, not to say high-mass. The seemingly composed patterns, sprayed with light paint color, follow scientific models and intuitive abbreviations. Works like Wavelength (2024) or Second Echo (2010) explore wave types or structures – unknown languages or messages.
Surely you understand that such a transformation requires sensitivity, a special empathy, if not more. I also think of an expansion of identity. Isn’t it true that in one of your great science fiction stories, several individuals merge into one identity?
Wouldn’t it be possible to imagine a new society based on solidarity – a ‘patternist society’ like the one you describe in your book Mind of My Mind. My idea of Companions, as I call the series of Untitled Sequences as a whole, at least picks up on that.
So many questions that you have approached in your texts.
One of your most cherished quotes can be found on a notepad at my workplace desk:
All that you touch You Change
All that you Change Changes you
The only lasting truth is Change
Andy Hope 1930
About the artist
Andy Hope 1930 (German, b. 1963, lives and works in Berlin), formerly known as Andreas Hofer, adopted his name in 2010, though his work was signed this way from the beginning of his career. The artist associates the year 1930 with a historic caesura, a turning point in the development of the historical avant-garde that faced onto a series of social, political and artistic crises in European modernity.
1930 is a portal that allows Hope to assume the role of a time-traveler, pursuing and projecting an alien modernity. Working across multiple media, including painting, drawing, sculpture and film, which he often arranges in innovative installations, the artist blazes a new trail through received styles, periodizations and categories. What results is a unique and complex iconography that draws on high and popular cultures, literary and aesthetic tropes, and self- and social constructions. Hope’s fictional universe moves between the debris of history, fantastic utopian ideas and new morphological projections, creating what he refers to as “a mazy infinity.”
Hope’s work is held in a number of public collections including Sammlung Lenbachhaus in Munich; the Abteiberg Museum in Monchengladbach; and the Centre Pompidou in Paris, in addition to renowned private collections worldwide. His work has also been included in numerous notable biennials and museum exhibitions, including Busan Biennale, Korea (2018); Social Facades. A dialogue between the MMK and DEKABank Collections, MMK, Frankfurt (2018); and Viva Arte Viva, La Biennale di Venezia, 57th International Art Exhibition, Venice (2017).
OSCAAR MOULIGNE はこのたびアンディ・ホープ 1930個展 “Companions”を2025年4月5日から6月21日まで開催いたします。初公開となる新作のペインティングと初期作品のドローイングが展示されます。
何年も経った後、このアイデアは私の絵画シリーズ《Infinity Crisis》(2012)として具現化されました。
《Time Tubes》(2011)、《Phantoms》(2008)、そして《Infinity Crisis》シリーズを生み出した後、私の研究室では新たなアイデアが誕生しました。《Quantum Patterns》にも匹敵する、あるいはそのタイトルの通り《Untitled Sequences》(2024/25)と呼ばれる新たなフォーメーションです。それは絵画として表現され、背景はしばしばインパスト(油絵厚塗り)で描かれ、質量感を持ち、時には「高質量」とも言えるほどです。淡い色の塗料でスプレーされたパターンは、科学的モデルや直感的な省略形をなぞるように配置されています。
例えば、《Wavelength》(2024)や《Second Echo》(2010)は、波の種類や構造——未知の言語やメッセージ——を探求しています。
あなたの『Mind of My Mind』に描かれた「パターニスト社会」のように、連帯に基づく新しい社会を想像することも可能なのではないでしょうか?
私が《Untitled Sequences》全体を指して「Companions」と呼ぶのも、その発想に通じるものがあります。
触れたものすべてが 変化する
変えたものすべてが あなたを変える
唯一不変の真実は 変化である
アンディ・ホープ 1930
About the artist
アンディ・ホープ1930(1963 年ドイツ生まれ、ベルリン在住)はキャリア初期から自らの作品に、本名であるアンドレアス・ホーファーではなく、「アンディ・ホープ1930」と署名をし続け、2010 年には改名も行っています。「1930年」は彼にとって、歴史のターニングポイントとなる重要な断絶点を意味しています。それは、ロシア構成主義そしてモダニズムが終焉を迎えると同時に、スーパーヒーローがコミックに登場し始める時代です。「アンディ・ホープ1930」は、彼が様々な時空をタイムトラベルするためのフィクショナルなペルソナとしての機能を果たしています。ペインティングやドローイング、立体、映像といった複数のメディアを交えて制作され、さらには革新的なインスタレーションをともなって発表されるホープの作品には、ハイカルチャーからローカルチャーまで、そして自我にまつわることから社会にまつわることまで、あらゆるものが混淆され、既存のカテゴリーには収まらないユニークな図像が現れています。彼がもたらすフィクショナルな世界は、彼自身の空想やユートピア的思考、歴史や新しい形態表現が縫い合わせてつくられており、「無限迷路 a mazy infinity」と彼が呼ぶような異世界が生み出されています。
パブリック・コレクションには;Sammlung Lenbachhaus Munich (ミュンヘン); Abteiberg Museum, Monchengladbach (メンヒェングラートバッハ)やCentre Pompidou in Paris (パリ)など。世界各地で個展・グループ展も多数:Busan Biennale, Korea (2018); Social Facades. A dialogue between the MMK and DEKABank Collections, MMK, Frankfurt (2018); and Viva Arte Viva, La Biennale di Venezia, 57th International Art Exhibition, Venice (2017)など。